Benefits of Intergenerational Programs in Agricultural Development

by | Jul 12, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The current blogposts covers the “Benefits of Intergenerational Programs in Agricultural Development”. It is created under the EU Funded project “Intergenerational Hub for the Amelioration of Sustainable Agricultural Practices and Entrepreneurial Mindset” with the reference number 2022-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000085106. L4Y Learning for Youth GmbH coordinates it with the partners KMOP, Polish Farm Advisory, Citizens in Power, Challedu. Here is the home page of the project.

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Intergenerational Programs (IPs) have significant potential to address various challenges in the agricultural sector. They contribute to sustainable and inclusive agricultural development by fostering interaction between different generations. In this article, we will delve into the specific benefits of these programs.

Active Citizenship and Engagement for Agricultural Development

One primary goal of Intergenerational Programs is to promote active citizenship among older and younger generations. By involving people of various ages in agricultural activities and decision-making processes, IPs ensure diverse perspectives are considered. Consequently, this leads to more well-rounded and effective strategies.

Active citizenship fosters community as individuals feel more connected to the agricultural sector and its goals. Moreover, this engagement increases the likelihood of adopting sustainable practices and encourages long-term commitment to the sector’s development.

Knowledge Transfer and Skill Development

IPs facilitate the transfer of valuable knowledge and skills between generations. Senior citizens often possess expertise in traditional agricultural practices, while younger generations bring fresh perspectives and familiarity with modern technology. Through exchanging information and experiences, both groups can learn from each other and develop new approaches to sustainable agriculture.

This knowledge transfer also empowers younger generations by providing them with the necessary skills and resources to succeed as agro-entrepreneurs. Additionally, it can help address the decline in interest in agricultural careers and ensure the sector’s longevity.

Addressing Intergenerational Problems

By bringing together different generations, IPs can address various challenges and problems that each group faces within the agricultural sector. For instance, senior citizens may need help adapting to new technologies, while younger individuals may need help establishing themselves as agro-entrepreneurs.

Through intergenerational collaboration, these problems can be solved. Resources can be shared to create a more robust and resilient agricultural sector. This collaborative approach can lead to a better understanding of each generation’s specific needs and challenges, promoting the development of targeted solutions.

Inclusive Learning and Social Inclusion for Agricultural Development

Intergenerational Programs foster a more inclusive learning environment, positively affecting both younger and older individuals. By promoting interactions between diverse age groups, IPs can help break down stereotypes and encourage greater empathy and understanding.

Moreover, IPs create opportunities for social inclusion and combat isolation, particularly among senior citizens. By engaging in meaningful activities within the agricultural sector, younger and older individuals can build social connections and develop a stronger sense of community. This social inclusion can improve mental well-being, increase motivation, and provide a more collaborative approach to sustainable agricultural development.

Involvement of Lifelong Learning Institutes and Stakeholders for Agricultural Development

Collaboration Opportunities

People can involve Lifelong Learning Institutes and other stakeholders, such as agricultural organizations, rural municipalities, and trainers focusing on agriculture, in the GrandFriend project. This collaboration includes developing and implementing the Pedagogical Guidebook, the GrandFriend Digital Game, and the Practical Learning Module & AgroLabs. By working together, these organizations can share knowledge, resources, and expertise, ultimately enhancing the program’s effectiveness and ensuring that the Intergenerational Programs (IPs) reach a wider audience.

Impact on Agricultural Sector

The involvement of Lifelong Learning Institutes and stakeholders in the GrandFriend project can positively impact the agricultural sector. These organizations can help identify and address the knowledge gaps between the older and younger generations of agro-entrepreneurs. By doing so, they contribute to developing more sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

Furthermore, the collaboration between these organizations and the GrandFriend project can promote active citizenship among former agro-entrepreneurs, encouraging them to share their knowledge and experience with the younger generation. This knowledge exchange will help new agro-entrepreneurs improve their skills, adopt sustainable practices, and develop innovative solutions to agricultural challenges.

Moreover, the involvement of these organizations can facilitate the dissemination of information about the benefits of IPs. This raises awareness among the general public and garners support for adopting sustainable agricultural practices. In turn, it will lead to a more environmentally conscious society and contribute to the goal of doubling world food production sustainably by 2050.sustainably by 2050.


The GrandFriend project aims to increase awareness about the benefits of intergenerational programs in sustainable agricultural development. It addresses problems faced by new and former generations of agro-entrepreneurs by involving lifelong learning institutions, trainers, educators, and other relevant stakeholders. The project seeks to create a guidebook and develop a digital game and practical learning module to promote active civic participation and increase knowledge about sustainable food production.

Bringing different generations together to strengthen each other’s ecological awareness can benefit both sides and improve engagement in environmental matters. By promoting intergenerational knowledge sharing and using innovative methodologies, GrandFriend aims to achieve the 2050 goals of doubling world food production while addressing concerns about environmental impacts on biodiversity, soil, water quality, and the global marketplace’s demands.

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